Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kitties and Physics (Video Relfection)

In the video I watched, there were these kitties and they were trying to run up a slide. However, they failed and ended up running in place. This happened because the slide is totally smooth. There is no friction on the slide therefore they could not move upwards. The friction would have allowed the kitties to move because the surface would not have been smooth, therefore allowing the movement. Besides that the kitties were utterly adorable. I wanted to hug the computer screen.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Summary of Weight and Normal Forces

Weight is the amount of gravitational force exerted on an object.It can change according to the position of the object. It also depends on the mass of the object. The more mass an object has, the more gravitational force will act upon the object. Normal force is the force that acts on a subject perpendicular to the surface it is placed on. This force is the opposite of the gravitational force, allowing objects to be in equilibrium so that they can rest on surfaces without being pulled into the earth. It is not always parallel to the gravitational force pulling the object down.