Sunday, September 30, 2012

Video Reflections (Newton's 3rd law)

Newton's 3rd Law says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The first video i watched was talking about how in space, if you try to turn a screw, you end up turning instead of the screw. On earth, this doesn't happen because we have gravity to hold us down. In terms of Newton's third law, the reason why we turn in space when we try to turn a screw is because the opposite reaction is happening to us. We are trying to turn the screw, but instead of the screw turning, the opposite happens. The screw stays still while we spin around. The video also talks about ways to prevent this occurrence.

The second video was talking about how much of an impact we have on the position and spinning of the earth. It was mostly talking about whether or not we could actually move the earth if we had a bunch of people jump at once. The video said that we could, but our effect would be so little due to the mass of the earth being much, much greater than ours. In terms of Newton's third law, the reaction the earth would have to a bunch of people jumping at once is completely probable. If we jump up we are really pushing against the earth. As an opposite reaction, the earth would move downwards away from our feet, but only a tiny amount. The movement is so tiny it is not even detectable. However, it is still possible for the earth to move away from our feet due to Newton's 3rd Law.

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